Vayiqra 2023

Mar 25, 2023    David Mathews

Once again, I’m truly amazed at the prophetic disclosure that speaks to this current generation from within the depths of the weekly Parsha! Each ancient text becomes a foreshadowing Prophetic Message for our

generation. Here we find YHVH speaking – ויקרא – Vayiqra - to Moshe from a very distinctive place: The Tabernacle m’ohel moad. Is there a viable, living, “Tabernacle of His Presence” in our future? Perhaps if we break these words apart we’ll find evidence of which, if any, Tabernacle we can expect Him to speak to us from in the coming days! To begin, in each above word, the prefixed ‘Mem’ is a preposition that indicates ‘from or out of’ as in a source of origin. It also connotes a womb. These two words are so important, that I want to focus our study on what we find hidden here!